F5 iRule for Simplified Troubleshooting and Monitoring

F5 iRule for Simplified Troubleshooting and Monitoring

The following iRule performs logging and captures various information related to incoming HTTP requests and responses. Here's a breakdown of what the iRule does:

  1. The CLIENT_ACCEPTED event: When a client connection is accepted, it generates a unique identifier (`uid`) using the createGuid function.

  2. The HTTP_REQUEST event: When an HTTP request is received, it logs various details related to the request, including the uid, HTTP method, host, TCP local port, URI, client IP address, SSL cipher information, virtual server name, and the selected pool member address. This information is logged in the local0 facility.

  3. The HTTP_REQUEST_DATA event: If the HTTP request method is POST, it collects the payload (content) of the request. It then checks if the payload contains the string “Password=”. If found, it redacts the password portion from the payload by replacing it with “XXXXXXXX”. Finally, it logs the uid, HTTP method, host, TCP local port, URI, and the redacted payload.

  4. The HTTP_RESPONSE event: After the server responds with an HTTP response, it logs various details related to the response, including the uid, HTTP method, host, TCP local port, URI, client IP address, selected pool member address, SSL cipher information, virtual server name, and the selected pool member address. The information is logged in the local0 facility.

  5. The createGuid procedure: This procedure generates a unique identifier (`uid`) using a combination of various factors, including the current time, local and client IP addresses, a random number, and clock clicks. It ensures the uniqueness of the identifier by applying specific bit manipulations and formatting it in a UUID-like pattern.

Overall, this iRule provides detailed logging and captures essential information about client requests, server responses, and SSL information to aid in troubleshooting and monitoring purposes. In this updated iRule, I added a variable called iRule_enabled to store the toggle state. By default, it is set to 1, which means the iRule is enabled.

proc cretaeGuid {
    append s [clock seconds] [IP::local_addr] [IP::client_addr] [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }] [clock clicks]
    set s [md5 $s]
    binary scan $s c* s
    lset s 8 [expr {([lindex $s 8] & 0x7F) | 0x40}]
    lset s 6 [expr {([lindex $s 6] & 0x0F) | 0x40}]
    set s [binary format c* $s]
    binary scan $s H* s
    append u [substr $s 0 8] "-" [substr $s 8 4] "-" [substr $s 12 4] "-" [substr $s 16 4] "-" [substr $s 20 12]
    unset s
    return $u

    set uid [call  cretaeGuid ]

  if { [HTTP::method] eq "POST" }{
    set cl [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
    HTTP::collect $cl

  set log_http_ref1 "\"uid\":\"$uid\",\"HTTP_method\":\"[HTTP::method]\",\"HTTP_host\":\"[HTTP::host]\",\"TCP_local_port\":\"[TCP::local_port]\",\"HTTP_uri\":\"[HTTP::uri]\""
  set log_http_req1 "\"IP_client_addr\":\"[IP::client_addr]\",\"HTTP_request\":\"[string map {{"} {\"} } [HTTP::request]]\""
  set log_ssl_info1 "\"SSL_cipher_name\":\"[SSL::cipher name]\",\"SSL_cipher_version\":\"[SSL::cipher version]\",\"SSL_cipher_bits\":\"[SSL::cipher bits]\",\"SSL_secure_renegotiation\":\"[SSL::secure_renegotiation]\""
  set log_f5_info1 "\"virtual_name\":\"[virtual name]\",\"LB_server_addr\":\"[LB::server addr]\""
  log local0. "{\"_TIMESTAMP\":\"[clock clicks -milliseconds]\",$log_http_ref1,$log_ssl_info1,$log_f5_info1,$log_http_req1}"

  set HTTP_payload [string map {{"} {\"} } [HTTP::payload]]
  if { $HTTP_payload contains "Password=" } {
    regsub -- "(.*Password=).*?(&.*)" $HTTP_payload "\\1XXXXXXXX\\2"  HTTP_payload_redacted
    set HTTP_payload $HTTP_payload_redacted
  log local0. "{\"_TIMESTAMP\":\"[clock clicks -milliseconds]\",$log_http_ref1,\"HTTP_payload\":\"$HTTP_payload\"}"

  set selectedpoolMemberIp  [LB::server]
  log local0. "{\"_TIMESTAMP\":\"[clock clicks -milliseconds]\",$log_http_ref1,\"selectedpoolMember\":\"[LB::server]\"}"

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